Abstract — The legal education of future legal practitioners must transcend the normative principles of the law. Legal educators are encouraged to instill the imperative of transformative constitutionalism suffused with the notion of ubuntu with the expectation that in doing practitioners so future will be legal instrumental as catalysts in the realization of social justice in the constitutional dispensation of South Africa. Future legal practitioners occupy unique places in our society as role-players facilitating social change. They are also potential candidates for public office in which they are obliged to conduct themselves in accordance with the rule of law and principle of legality. Administrative law, as a subject module, serves as an example in furthering transformative education on account of the fact that it enables the realization of social justice and emphasizes the importance of public office responsibilities. In this wise, it must be understood that the role of educators of future legal practitioners occupies a special pride of place in our jurisprudence.

R Henrico
Senior Lecturer,
Department of Public and Procedural Law in the Faculty of Law,
University of Johannesburg,
South Arica.

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