Law, Regulations and Public Policy-Conference - LRPP Conference

LRPP Program Committee

Below is the list of LRPP Program Committee members for the Laws, Regulations and Public Policy Conference:

General Chair

 Prof. the Hon. Dr. Stephen Martin Chairman, Board of Governors, Global Science & Technology Forum (GSTF)
Chairman, Bank of China (Australia)
Former Speaker Parliament of Australia
Former Deputy Vice Chancellor (Strategy and Planning)
Curtin University of Technology
Former Pro Vice Chancellor International, Victoria University


 Prof. Paul Babie Professor of Law
Adelaide Law School (ALS)
The University of Adelaide, Australia


 Prof. Gabriel Moens Professor of Law
Curtin Law School, Australia

Program Chair

 Dr. Suresh V Nadagoudar Professor, P.G Department of Studies & Research in Law
University Law College, Bangalore University,India

Co-Program Chair

 Prof. K. C. Sunny Dean, Professor and Head
Department of Law
University of Kerala, India

Prof Srividhya Ragavan Professor of Law
DTexas A&M School of Law

Program Committee

Prof. Roza Pati
Professor of Law
School of Law
St. Thomas University, USA
Prof. Bradley Myers

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
University of North Dakota, USA
Prof. Preston C. Green III


John and Carla Klein Professor of Urban Education
Professor of Education and Law
University of Connecticut, USA
Asst. Prof. Sharifah Sekalala

School of Law
University of Warwick, UK
Dr. Tom Mortimer


Head, Anglia Law School
Director, International Law Unit
Anglia Ruskin University, UK 
Dr. Jing Wang


The Law School
University of Huddersfield, UK
Dr. John Haskell


School of Law
The University of Manchester, UK
Dr. Betty Martinez-Cardenas 


Doctor in Law, Université Panthéon-Assas, Paris
Arbitrator Chamber of Commerce of Bogota, France
Assoc. Prof. Vijaya Nagarajan


Acting Dean and Associate Professor in the Law School Macquarie 
University in Sydney, Australia
Prof. Paula Baron


Assoc. Pro-Vice Chancellor
College of Arts, Social Sciences and Commerce
La Trobe University, Australia


Prof. Willem de Lint


School of Law
Flinders University, Australia


Prof. William Van Caenegem


Faculty of Law
Bond University Australia


Prof. Vera Lúcia C. Raposo


Professor at the Faculty of Law of Coimbra University, Portugal

Becoming A Program Committee Member / Reviewer:

Interested in becoming a Program Committee member?

Please send email to addressing to The Organizing Committee expressing your intent to become a PC member and attach your updated CV

What are the roles of every Program Committee member?

Generally, the following are the roles of every committee member (please note these roles depend on the availability of your time):

  • Provide input/advice about the conference theme and topics.
  • Review papers and the number will depend on the availability of your schedule
  • Help to disseminate/circulate the call for papers announcements to your list of contacts (faculty, peers and research students).

Benefits of being a TPC

  • Enhance your knowledge in you field of expertise through latest research and updates submitted
  • To increase your exposure in the academic field as an expert to the related fields
  • Access to latest research and findings in your field of expertise
  • Add into your credentials to help you in your career advancement
  • You may potentially be invited as Keynote Speaker
  • To avail concession on the registration fee of attending the conference

Your details will be added in the list of Technical Program Committee. We also provide certificate / letter of appointment by request.

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